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  • What are you working on now? What’s next for Morgan Rhodes?
    As of June 2023 – I am currently editing BAD BLOOD, the first book in a new YA trilogy which I describe as "Gossip Girl with vampires." It will be published by Penguin Teen/Razorbill in Fall 2024.
  • I heard that you write under multiple pen names. Is this true?
    Currently, I write under two pen names: Morgan Rhodes and Michelle Rowen.
  • I want to request a copy of your upcoming book for a review. How do I do that?
    If you’re a blogger or booktuber who’d like to request an ARC (Advance Reading Copy) of a book for review, please send an email with your name, blog address, mailing address, and any relevant stats (follower number, traffic, etc.) to the following email address: Please note that ARC quantities are limited and not all requests can be filled.
  • What is happening with Spirits and Thieves #3?
    The short answer is, unfortunately, that book was canceled by the publisher. I’m very sorry. 😔 Please click here to read the long answer. Update: June 2023—I have obtained the publishing rights to the first two books and do intend on finishing the trilogy when I have the time to devote to it. I want to know how the story ends as much as my readers do. Thank you for your patience.
  • How many books are in the Falling Kingdoms series?
    There are six books in the Falling Kingdoms series: FALLING KINGDOMS REBEL SPRING GATHERING DARKNESS FROZEN TIDES CRYSTAL STORM IMMORTAL REIGN One prequel novella: OBSIDIAN BLADE And one prequel short story: CRIMSON DAGGER
  • How do you pronounce the different kingdom names in the Falling Kingdoms series?
    AURANOS – oar-AH-nos PAELSIA – pale-SIA LIMEROS –lim-AIR-ohs KRAESHIA – KRAY-she-ah
  • I’m really confused about the characters on the Falling Kingdoms covers. Who is who?
    Anything I say would be my opinion only, since the first three covers are more of an “artistic feel” of the series than an actual moment depicted of a specific character. I like to think Cleo’s on book one (as she would have looked during the final scene of the book), Jonas is on book two (or arguably it could be Magnus since red is a Limerian color), and Felix is on book three — but these are my interpretations only. I think, however, it’s safe to say that book four definitely depicts Lucia. :) Shane Rebenschied is the talented illustrator who (along with the fabulous art dept at Penguin!) brings these covers to life. See more of his amazing work at!
  • Where can I find some fan pages for Falling Kingdoms?
    Tumblr: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook:
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